Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: July 1, 2024 - Last updated: July 1, 2024


Editors: Christine Künzel and Manuel Bolz

Title: Rape and Revenge

Subtitle: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive

Translation: Rape and Revenge: Revenge Cultures and Sexualised Violence from an Intermedial Perspective

Place: Göttingen

Publisher: V&R unipress

Year: 2024

Pages: 315pp.

ISBN-13: 9783847115724 (print) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9783737015721 (ebk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat |

Language: German

Keywords: Prosecution: Arbitrary Law / Revenge; Types: Rape; Representations: Films, Literary Texts


Link: V&R eLibrary (Free Access)


- Manuel Bolz, Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Hamburg - Editor's Personal Website

- Christine Künzel, Institut für Germanistik, Universität Hamburg

  Vorwort (p. 9)
  Christine Künzel
Rape-and-Revenge: Zwischen Selbstjustiz, Coping-Strategie und pädagogischer Mission. Eine Einführung (p. 11)
  Rape-and-Revenge in der Literatur – von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
  Petra Plautz
Die Rache von Procne und Philomela – Moralische Bewertungsweisen in Ovids Metamorphosen (p. 31)
  Bastian Reimer
Rache durch Selbstmord? Der Umgang mit Vergewaltigung in der späten Römischen Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit und das Vermächtnis von Lucretia (p. 57)
  Fabian Bernhardt
Dirty Weekend, Dirty Care. Zur politischen Pädagogik des Rape-and-Revenge (p. 71)
  Christine Künzel
“I’m going to right this wrong”: Revenge as process of education in Amy Hatvany’s novel It Happens All the Time (2017) (p. 87)
  Rape-and-Revenge im Film
  Peter Robson
From Bloodbaths to Parody: Western Cinema’s Uneasy Relationship with Rape-Revenge Themes – a fresh approach? (p. 103)
  Jakob Larisch
Rape-and-Revenge-Filme im Kontext strafrechtlicher Verbotspraxis (p. 123)
  Sarah K. Becker
Rape / Revenge / Suicide. Zum Verhältnis von Fremd- und Autoaggression in BIG LITTLE LIES und 13 REASONS WHY (p. 141)
  Sanchari Basu Chaudhuri
Neoliberal Avenging Moms? Examining Rape-and-Revenge in Bollywood Movies (p. 159)
  Helen Ufuoma Ugah
Reconfiguring Victimhood: Rape Culture and Rape-Revenge in Nollywood Movies (p. 173)
  Lisa Haegele
Popfeminist Approaches to Rape-and-Revenge: Avenging with Awkwardness in Emerald Fennell’s PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN (UK/USA 2020) and Ziska Riemann’s LOLLIPOP MONSTER (GER 2011) (p. 193)
  Sabine Sielke
Return with a Vengeance? The Serial Debate on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence, or: What’s New About #MeToo – and What Film Can (Still) Do (p. 211)
  Rape-and-Revenge in anderen (pop-)kulturellen und medialen Kontexte
  Christine Bischoff
Eine Frage der Ehre? Zur Wirkmächtigkeit eines Emotionskonzepts im Kontext von „Rape and Revenge“ (p. 235)
  Katharina Alexi
Anti-Rape Music Culture as Announcements of Defense and Remembrance in Pop, Metal, Punk Rock, and Rap (p. 257)
  Valeria Farina
Restorative Revenge: A Response to Sexual Violence. Exploring New Modes of Justice in Rape-Revenge Narratives (p. 279)
  Julia Barbara Köhne
Sexuelle Gewalt und Rache in kulturellen Artefakten. Kommentar und Plädoyer (p. 297)
  Authors (p. 311)

Description: »The relationship between sexualized violence and revenge can be observed in different cultural contexts and legal discourses from the past to the present. Cultural analysis can help to understand the logics, socio-political contexts, and representations of “Rape and Revenge”. The anthology addresses this phenomenon by presenting transdisciplinary and transcultural perspectives and tracing interrelations between empirical realities, medial representations, and artistic negotiations. The contributions from the fields of philosophy, literary, cultural, gender, legal, social, and media studies present specific empirical, fictional case studies and their theoretical reflexion in order to reveal artistic criteria, moral principles and ideas of violence and vigilante justice inscribed in “Rape and Revenge”.« (Source: V&R unipress)

Note: Bolz, Manuel, et al., org. Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. - Bibliographic Entry: Info

Wikipedia: Law: Arbitrariness / Revenge | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape